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Mac Jewelery. Srsly!

Dear Nerds,

I haves treat for you: Mac Jewelry. Srsly!

My favorite? iphone button earrings - a must for every Macshionista on your list this year.

Get yours here:



more nerdy fashiony goodness

These necklaces, by Mike and Maaike, were created when the design team, who google searched for the most famous jewelry in the world, came up with a bunch of low-res images that caught their eye. They then stole, doctored, and transfered these images onto leather, creating their own “priceless” creations. The result is an intense visual experience, and while the intricacy of the jewels are gone, the effect is not lost.

The line can be found at and



2009 fashion prediction: the boobie scarf

Are you chilly and suffering from a dearth of people staring at your chest? Well look no further my friends because have I got the solution for you. The Snuggie is SOOOO 2008. It’s time for the statement of all statements: the boobie scarf.

That’s right ladies (ahem, and dudes) nothing says class like a set in the breeze. And for your viewing pleasure - I’ve hunted down three options to get you going. Special thanks to Monica for the find.

Boobie Scarf Option 1: “The Droopy”

Droopy Link.

boobie scarf option 2: “The Perky”

Perky Link.

aaand… option 3 (Just Plain Weird)

Weird Link.
